Request more information to see how we can help you with a level system that suits your need. Ultrasonic level sensor, Ultrasonic level transmitter, Liquid level sensor, Slurry level sensor, Tank level indicator, Water level sensor, Water level switch, Level gauge, Level transmitter Power supply: 120 VAC and 24 VDC, 240 VAC and 24 VDC.Output mode: Level, Distance, Flow, Volume Sonic R is a 1997 racing video game developed by Traveller’s Tales and Sonic Team and published by Sega for the Sega Saturn.Line powered design offers 6 programmable relays, 2 channel input for differential level, batch sample activation, pump alternation, data logging, and totalization.Superior accuracy – 0.15% of measuring range up to 30 ft.

Patented SMART GAIN circuitry automatically ignores false echoes from internal tank obstructions and agitator blades without adjustment.

It also features a wall mounted controller suitable for all Class I Div. The USonic-R offers Modbus output signal with internal characterizations for Open Channel Flow, Level, Distance and Volume. The Usonic-R is offered in a two-channel system with 4-20 mA outputs, allows two independent non-contact measurements, or sum or differential measurements. Simply set the measurement range directly in inches, feet, millimeters, centimeters or meters via the menu driven display. Compared to average, that's more settings than most, It's on par with games that have PC first settings in mind. Thats very basic, still better than generations. This ultrasonic level transmitter is easy to use. In Steam's Sonic Forces manual, Quite amazing how detail the graphic setting is. The USonic-R multifunctional level measurement system can be used for a wide range of applications ranging from simple indication of level to more demanding two channel inputs such as differential level and submerged flow. The Drexelbrook family of ultrasonic technology products offers a line powered version for non-contact level measurement of liquids and slurries for level, distance, volume and open channel flow. When you insert the CD-ROM sfter the game is installed.